miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2024


Highlights of this morning’s presidential press conference include: AMLO denounced Ernesto Zedillo, who left his circle of intellectuals and abandoned his activism on the international stage to criticize the Judicial Reform here in Mexico, arguing that the former president “has no moral authority to talk about democracy.”; after Felipe Calderón's former Minister of Public Security, Genaro García Luna, published a letter accusing President López Obrador of links with drug trafficking, the Mexican President responded, declaring that if the ex-official imprisoned in the United States has proof, videos, or phone calls, he should make them public; the President denounced a sensationalist campaign over violence in Sinaloa promoted by opponents of the government aimed at inducing fear in the population; it is not true that the peso would be devalued if the Judicial Reform were approved. The peso continues to be the most appreciated currencies in relation to the dollar worldwide. López Obrador's government will be the first in 50 years not to devalue the peso.

La entrada SUMMARY – MORNING PRESIDENTIAL PRESS CONFERENCE – WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2024 se publicó primero en RegeneraciónMX.

via RegeneraciónMX

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