jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2024


Highlights of this morning’s presidential press conference include: AMLO welcomed the unanimous vote of congressional deputies of all the political parties to approve the constitutional reform he presented regarding indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples. The reform recognizes them as subjects of public law, which provides these communities with greater legal rights and autonomy and enables them to receive and execute budgets, in addition to being consulted in cases of projects that impact their locality or way of life; President López Obrador reiterated that the Judicial Reform will allow for important advances in the administration of justice in favor of minorities, as the influence of oligarchies over judges, justices, and magistrates will be eradicated; the President regretted that the U.S. government has not heeded Mexico's proposal to face the migration problem by addressing the causes that lead to migrants abandoning their countries of origin; today is the anniversary of both the 1985 and 2017 earthquakes. The results of the National Reconstruction Program for the 2017 earthquakes were reported.

La entrada SUMMARY – MORNING PRESIDENTIAL PRESS CONFERENCE – THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2024 se publicó primero en RegeneraciónMX.

via RegeneraciónMX

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