viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2024


Highlights of this morning’s presidential press conference include: AMLO recalled that during his administration nearly 10 million people have been lifted out of poverty, thanks to the new economic policy based on a humanist outlook and priority attention to the most vulnerable sectors of the population; the President pointed out that the approval of the constitutional reform on indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples is a historic development, since the rights of native peoples will be legally recognized. He was confident that the bill will be easily passed by the Senate, following its unanimous approval by the Chamber of Deputies. He said that the incoming Claudia Sheinbaum administration will not allow the reform to remain a dead letter and will put it into practice; the results of the National Statistics Institute’s latest survey on “Social perception of authorities' performance” show high levels of popular support for government institutions.

La entrada SUMMARY – MORNING PRESIDENTIAL PRESS CONFERENCE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2024 se publicó primero en RegeneraciónMX.

via RegeneraciónMX

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